约 522 字
// npm run code src/code/design-pattern/adapter/unify-interfaces.ts
export {};
// 第一个接口和类
interface OldInterface {
specificRequest(): string;
class OldClass implements OldInterface {
specificRequest(): string {
return 'Response from OldClass';
// 第二个接口和类
interface NewInterface {
request(): string;
class NewClass implements NewInterface {
request(): string {
return 'Response from NewClass';
// 创建适配器,将旧的接口适配到新的接口
class Adapter implements NewInterface {
private oldInstance: OldInterface;
constructor(oldInstance: OldInterface) {
this.oldInstance = oldInstance;
request(): string {
// 调用 OldInterface 的方法,并可能进行一些其他操作
return this.oldInstance.specificRequest();
const oldClassInstance = new OldClass();
const adapter = new Adapter(oldClassInstance);
console.log(adapter.request()); // 将输出 "Response from OldClass"
// npm run code src/code/design-pattern/adapter/integrating-legacy-interface.ts
export {};
// 当前系统的接口
interface ITarget {
request(): string;
// 第三方库或旧系统的接口
interface IAdaptee {
specificRequest(): string;
// 第三方库或旧系统的实现
class Adaptee implements IAdaptee {
specificRequest(): string {
return "Specific response from the Adaptee";
// 适配器类
class Adapter implements ITarget {
private adaptee: IAdaptee;
constructor(adaptee: IAdaptee) {
this.adaptee = adaptee;
request(): string {
// 适配器将 ITarge 接口的调用转换为 IAdaptee 接口的调用
const result = this.adaptee.specificRequest();
return `Adapter: (TRANSLATED) ${result}`;
// 使用示例
const adaptee = new Adaptee();
const adapter = new Adapter(adaptee);
console.log(adapter.request()); // 适配器使得原本不兼容的接口能够一起工作
// npm run code src/code/design-pattern/adapter/replacement-system-component.ts
export {};
// 旧组件的接口
interface IOldComponent {
oldRequest(): string;
// 新组件的接口
interface INewComponent {
newRequest(): string;
// 旧组件的实现(将被替换)
class OldComponent implements IOldComponent {
oldRequest(): string {
return "Response from Old Component";
// 新组件的实现
class NewComponent implements INewComponent {
newRequest(): string {
return "Response from New Component";
// 适配器类
class ComponentAdapter implements IOldComponent {
private newComponent: INewComponent;
constructor(newComponent: INewComponent) {
this.newComponent = newComponent;
oldRequest(): string {
// 将旧组件的调用转换为新组件的调用
const result = this.newComponent.newRequest();
return `Adapter: (ADAPTED) ${result}`;
// 使用示例
const newComponent = new NewComponent();
const adapter = new ComponentAdapter(newComponent);
console.log(adapter.oldRequest()); // 通过适配器,新组件与旧接口兼容
// npm run code src/code/design-pattern/adapter/add-new-functionality-to-old-code.ts
export {};
// 旧系统的接口
interface IOldInterface {
performTask(): string;
// 旧系统的实现
class OldSystem implements IOldInterface {
performTask(): string {
return "Performing task in the old way.";
// 新功能的类
class NewFeature {
performNewTask(): string {
return "Performing task using new feature.";
// 适配器类
class NewFeatureAdapter implements IOldInterface {
private newFeature: NewFeature;
constructor(newFeature: NewFeature) {
this.newFeature = newFeature;
performTask(): string {
// 使用新功能来执行任务
return this.newFeature.performNewTask();
// 使用示例
const oldSystem = new OldSystem();
console.log(oldSystem.performTask()); // 使用旧系统
const newFeature = new NewFeature();
const adapter = new NewFeatureAdapter(newFeature);
console.log(adapter.performTask()); // 使用适配器来使用新功能
// npm run code src/code/design-pattern/adapter/api-interface-adaptation.ts
export {};
// 旧版本 API 的接口
interface IOldAPI {
requestOld(): string;
// 新版本 API 的接口
interface INewAPI {
requestNew(): string;
// 新版本 API 的实现
class NewAPI implements INewAPI {
requestNew(): string {
return "Response from New API";
// 适配器类
class APIAdapter implements IOldAPI {
private newApi: INewAPI;
constructor(newApi: INewAPI) {
this.newApi = newApi;
requestOld(): string {
// 将旧 API 的调用适配为新 API 的调用
return `Adapter: ${this.newApi.requestNew()}`;
// 使用示例
const newApi = new NewAPI();
const adapter = new APIAdapter(newApi);
console.log(adapter.requestOld()); // 通过适配器使用新 API